Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Mango Chicken

MmmMmmMmm finger licking good, this recipe is amazing! This beautiful dish comes from Whole Foods! Originally called Braised Chicken with Mangoes, you can find it on their phone app and website.

I changed it up a bit and used green onions and chicken breasts.

4 green onions, chopped
4 skinless chicken breasts, cut in half lengthwise
4 cloves of garlic, chopped (I like to use the already chopped frozen garlic from Trader Joes!)
1 cup white wine
1/2 cup chicken broth
2 ripe mangoes cut into 1 inch chunks (if you only have ONE mango that's fine too)
Olive oil

Heat oil in a large skillet over medium high heat. Add the green onions and garlic, cook and stir occasionally for 3-4 minutes. Add chicken and continue cooking until they start browning and most juices are cooked away. Add wine and cook until reduced by half. Stir in broth and mangoes; bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat and simmer until chicken is cooked through (most of the liquid will also evaporate until you're left with a nice mango sauce).


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Chicken Avocado Pita

I don't know about you, but I've pretty much replaced tomatoes with avocados lately. Avocados on my burgers... guacamole with my chips... avocado on my BLT (that's BLA when you minus the tomatoes LOL). I used to hate avocados! And now I eat them almost daily. Good thing I live in California where they always seem to be in abundance!

This chicken avocado recipe is THE BEST recipe I have come across since becoming allergic to both tomatoes and diary. Seriously, I would eat it every day if I could. It is SO YUMMY!

There really is no "right way" to make this. You don't have to measure much, just throw it all together. It's really up to you how much you want to use of each ingredient. I use pita pockets, but you could use pretty much use anything- bread, tortillas, a spoon, chips, crackers.... The possibilities are endless!

Your grocery list:
Chicken (white or dark, cooked or uncooked)
green onion
fresh cilantro
fresh lime
pita bread (or whatever bread you want)

How I make it:
I start with raw chicken breasts. I'm only cooking for two, so I use 2-3 chicken breasts. I grill them up on our George Foreman Grill (appx 9mins). Then cut them in to bite sized pieces and throw them in a large bowl. Slice up the green onions as thin as you can get them (I usually cut up 2). Throw them in to the bowl with the chicken. Take about 2-3 tablespoons of mayonnaise and half the juice from a lime and mix it with the chicken and onions.
In a separate bowl, cut up 1.5-2 avocados in to bite size pieces (a little smaller than your chicken pieces). Squeeze the other half of your lime juice on to the avocados and gently toss.
Chop up the fresh cilantro (1/4 to 1/2 cup).
Gently mix the avocados and cilantro with the chicken.
Taste it!
You can add more mayonnaise or lime juice, just make sure you gently mix it or the avocados will start becoming guacamole!
Cut your pita pocket in half and gently open it. Add a piece of lettuce and scoop your chicken avocado in. ENJOY!
If you have leftovers, put saran wrap directly over the salad before putting on the lid to your bowl and sticking it in the fridge. Chicken avocado salad is just as yummy the following day!

I found this recipe on Pinterest. It is heavenly! Bon appetite!